Friday 24 June 2011

Friday Joke.

One word. funny.

har har

Moral of the story, better be good in English or else stay out of any job that needs u to communicate with the grumpy customers. They don't find it funny(look at the way Fern Leaf replied) . Kalau aku, da guling2 gelak n xjadi nk marah. haha.

Tapi.. "shameful" do sound like a name though. Maybe dia pikir nama ni dkt2 mcm saiful gitu. hehheee

The Crusty Crustless Pie

Got yourself confused by the title? hehehe. Anyway ini adalah crustless pie versi ana. The supposed-to-be crustless had turned out crusty because i overbaked the pie. Huarhghhhh tensi!

*ignore part tepi2 dia yang hangus tuh! *

Xpe xpe, next trial musti jadik punyalahh..!!

Thursday 23 June 2011

Gangsterkah KL Gangster? ?

Haddoiii!! (Bunyikan seperti Johan Raja Lawak)

Lemah semangat nengok cite KL Gangster(gangster la sgt) ni. Nak dikutuk lebih-lebih kang, kata kita x support pulak. Haddoii !(amik lg sebijik)

Banyak yg nk dikritik ni. haha, ana the movie critic ya aw aww.

1. Intro yang super duper cliche! Start je ade narrator(lelaki la) yg sounded pretty much like this;

"....KL.....sebuah bandar yang gah..aku dibesarkan di sini,tapi aku tersalah langkah dan masuk group jahat dan kini, aku menunggu saat keluar dari penjara "

(sambil dia ckp ni dia tunjuk la KL tgh2 mlm, Kl Tower tu,the heavy traffic KL, i mean, this is sooo gerak khas!! i expected a movie-class intro la samsul)

2. People are now adapting that shamsul berlakon in almost EVERY movie he direct, tapi kemon la, you gotta have to know how to really be an actor. Ok fine lah dia nak tiru chinese slang tu, which us the movie-watcher werent given any f*ing clues why on earth was he speaking chinese slanga. Padahal bapaknye melayu(mafia gak la).Kot ya pun tunjuk la konon2 mak nye cina tu psl tercakap cina. ni tak.

ok laa ok laa maybe mak dia cina. Tapi kenapa slang cina dia teruk sgt? offense soul(samsul),kitorang terbahak2 gelak tgk citer you tau. Gelak tgk slang you yang terabur n everytime sounding so much like mamak nk amik order. you are funnier than Zizan dlm cite tu la! ahaksss

3. Pastu citer tergantung sikit, camtu jekeh? ok baikk.. T_T

4. exaggerate. Cerita ini akan menjadi sedikit OK kalau depa lek lek sikit. kot ye pun gangsterr...rilekkkk duluuuhhh. gaya xcool langsung. Tapi Aaron Aziz cool(walaupun wataknye mmg director suruh cool, be looked so natural playing the character.. p/s, aku puji ni bukan sbb pengaruh nora elena ye, i am nore elena-free :D)

Tapi xsemuanya hampeh, there's still some parts that deserved compliments.(pujila sikit, buatnye abg samsul ni bace blog haku..haa..atleast sojuk hati eh, kang majuk lak deh :p)

1. Less stuntmen used perhaps? These fighting actions were from the actors themselves. clap clap clap. Tang ni xdela mcm gerak khas sgt, from the action n moves wise, ok la.bole tahan. Yang aku ckp gerak khas tu tang story line nyee..

2. Effort. Ok la si samsul ni still ade usaha wat cite mlayu. He proved it in Khurafat. Maybe this time around he's not meeting my standards, but still, ade gak org suka. ok la. puji untuk itu.

Monday 13 June 2011

am i gonna be housewife forever?

Sedar xsedar it's now nearly one month i am holding this full-time hsewife title. It was not my plan to not working at the moment, tapi boyfie prefer me to. He enjoyed the moment he's home after work there i'll be greeting him warmly. i certainly have no prob with that, it just feel sort of wasted(gosh i do not want to use this word-takut laki aku ngamuk) for not using my degree.  His point, "itu dah kira ilmu, not necessarily kena  kerja untuk menunjukkan kite ade degree". Well he got his point there. We both agreed it'd be great if i could start up a biz.
Tapi nak dapat idea biz ape, cemane, tu yang takes time tu. Anyway aku dah pikir2, ni dah bulan rejab, soon will be ramadan n syawal, macam cara jugak kalau aku buat biz ni. Survey after survey, byk biz yang masyuk. Antara yang aku consider nak buat

-kuih raya n kerepek(some have reached RM XXk per month-kalau kena gayanyela)
-baju bdk2
-kerongsang MURAHJUAL..wooot woott leh join venture ngan abg aku nih

Done with the idea. Now the medium.

Kalau online pn ok for the kerongsangs n baju. Kalau kuih gunting tu, kalo distribute kat kedai2 pn ok. hmm kena survey lagi how they work.

*takut la nk start. takut hot hot chicken shite. bahahhaha*

Wednesday 8 June 2011

telur lipat.

Malam td saje try resepi ni, i consider this a success because my boyfie loved it, and so do i : D
You too should give this a go! It's as easy as ABC.

4 biji telur
1 sudu mkn minyak masak
100gm isi ayam(potong dadu)
1 ulas bawang putih(mayang halus)
1 labu bawang besar(potong dadu)
1 biji tomato(potong dadu)
mix vege(optional)
sos & garam secukup rasa

Cara membuat
1. Telur & garam dipukul rata, bancuh dan goreng macam telur dadar
2. Bila telur dah masak sikit tuang inti ke sebelah bahagian telur dadar
3. Lipat telur!

Cara membuat inti
1. Tumis bawang putih dan bawang besar sehingga kekuningan
2. Masukkan semua bahan; ayam, mix vege, tomato
3. Gaulkan bersama sos cili & garam
4. Kacau rata n tutup api.


Atuk aku dulu selalu pesan, nak mula apa2 je baca bismillah.. Here i am practising it to my new blog.. :) How i wish u're reading this entry, atuk!

This is an extension of my previous blog (, i thought of shifting to blogspot sbb many people i know is in blogspot.'s been 15minutes and i'm only typing this much. Feeling awkward sbb previously i was writing my blog freely(since not one person knew i'm having a blog and that includes my own husband. Sorry bucuk, not my intention to make u left out). But not this time, i will definitely promote my blog to fmly and frens,and i am glad my boyfie(i prefer to address my husband as my boyfie because it's just feel so young and....groovy?err) was the first to know this newly created blog. :D

I do not know what will i be writing in this blog, that is always the hardest question. Probably i'll just share anything!